What we’re all about
Our mission
We think the world would be a better place if everyone had a comfortable and meaningful place to call home, and that old homes deserve the chance to be that for people. The magic of our job at Fish & Co is bringing the individuality of our clients and the history of their houses together.
In doing this, we not only preserve the soul of a home, but also the planet. Reviving an older house and retrofitting it for modern life is almost always more sustainable than tearing it down and building something completely new in its place, no matter how many Tesla batteries you strap to the side of your new build. Plus, old stuff is neat.
Our origin story
This is my grandfather (wasn’t he the cutest?). He ran a fish market that was honest, salt of the earth, and centered around people. Relationships meant everything to him, and the business was built on the backs of his values. I was lucky enough to see what an impact a business like this can have on family and community, and have always dreamed of carrying that forward.
Fish & Co was created to build the company I always hoped to work for; one that raises people up, builds to last, and isn’t afraid to be a little different. Whether we’re designing homes or selling bagels, this business will always be earnest, quirky, and authentic. Our name is a tribute to the way my grandfather ran things, and our mission is similarly to stay true to who we are and the friends we make along the way.
A face to a name
I’m Lisa, a designer passionate about people, the planet, and old stuff: old houses, old furniture, old dogs, you name it. My design background is a mix of formal training and roll-up-your-sleeves adventures, and my absolute favorite part of being a designer is getting to solve problems that make homes out of houses for amazing clients.
“We” is mostly just me here at Fish & Co, if you don’t include our office chicken, Nugget. But on every project, we work alongside amazing architects, contractors, vendors, and trade folk who bring our ideas to life, and make them even better.